From The East
“When he can look out over the rivers, the hills, and the far horizon with a profound sense of his own littleness in the vast scheme of things, and yet have faith, hope and courage--which is the root of every virtue. When he knows that down in his heart every man is as noble as himself, and seeks to know, to forgive, and to love his fellowmen. When he knows how to sympathize with men in their sorrows, yea, even in their sins--knowing that each man fights a hard fight against many odds. When he has learned how to make friends and to keep them, and above all how to keep friends with himself. When he loves flowers, can hunt the birds without a gun, and feels the thrill of an old forgotten joy when he hears the laugh of a little child. When he can be happy and high minded amid the meaner drudgeries of life. When star-crowned trees, and the glint of sunlight on flowing waters, subdue him like the thought of one much loved and long dead. When no voice of distress reaches his ears in vain, and no hand seeks his aid without response. When he finds good in every faith that helps any man to lay hold of divine things and sees majestic meanings in life, whatever the name of that faith may be. When he can look into a wayside puddle and see something beyond sin. When he knows how to pray, how to love, how to hope. When he has kept faith with himself, with his fellowman, with his God; in his hand a sword for evil, in his heart a bit of song--glad to live, but not afraid to die! Such a man has found the only real secret of Masonry, and the one which it is trying to give all the world.” -Joseph Fort NewtonFrom the East
As we open the first communication of this year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the bond we share as brothers. With the dawning of a new year, we are presented with an opportunity for renewal—both personally and as a Lodge. This is a time for reflection, growth, and a recommitment to the values that define us as Masons: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. In the coming months, let us rededicate ourselves to the principles of our ancient and honorable Craft. Let us strive to be men of integrity, wisdom, and compassion, living out the lessons of Freemasonry in every aspect of our lives. Just as the seasons change, so too must we grow and evolve—building upon the solid foundation we have established while working together to strengthen our Lodge and extend our reach in the community. This year offers us countless opportunities to deepen our fraternal bonds, to support one another in times of need, and to continue our journey toward enlightenment. I encourage each of you to take an active role in the life of our Lodge, to bring new ideas and energy to our work, and to help us grow in both number and virtue. As we embark on this new year, let us remember that each step we take is part of a greater journey. Whether in the Lodge or in our daily lives, we have the privilege of living according to the highest moral standards and providing an example for others to follow. Together, we can make this year a year of growth, service, and brotherhood. Happy New Year, and may the light of the Great Architect of the Universe shine brightly upon each of you and your families in the year ahead. I look forward to seeing all of you in the coming months as we gather in fellowship and continue to build upon the legacy of our Lodge. Ask not what your Lodge can do for you but what you can do for
Fraternally yours, WB James Wright
“When he can look out over the rivers, the hills, and the far horizon with a profound sense of his own littleness in the vast scheme of things, and yet have faith, hope and courage--which is the root of every virtue. When he knows that down in his heart every man is as noble as himself, and seeks to know, to forgive, and to love his fellowmen. When he knows how to sympathize with men in their sorrows, yea, even in their sins--knowing that each man fights a hard fight against many odds. When he has learned how to make friends and to keep them, and above all how to keep friends with himself. When he loves flowers, can hunt the birds without a gun, and feels the thrill of an old forgotten joy when he hears the laugh of a little child. When he can be happy and high minded amid the meaner drudgeries of life. When star-crowned trees, and the glint of sunlight on flowing waters, subdue him like the thought of one much loved and long dead. When no voice of distress reaches his ears in vain, and no hand seeks his aid without response. When he finds good in every faith that helps any man to lay hold of divine things and sees majestic meanings in life, whatever the name of that faith may be. When he can look into a wayside puddle and see something beyond sin. When he knows how to pray, how to love, how to hope. When he has kept faith with himself, with his fellowman, with his God; in his hand a sword for evil, in his heart a bit of song--glad to live, but not afraid to die! Such a man has found the only real secret of Masonry, and the one which it is trying to give all the world.” -Joseph Fort NewtonFrom the East
As we open the first communication of this year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the bond we share as brothers. With the dawning of a new year, we are presented with an opportunity for renewal—both personally and as a Lodge. This is a time for reflection, growth, and a recommitment to the values that define us as Masons: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. In the coming months, let us rededicate ourselves to the principles of our ancient and honorable Craft. Let us strive to be men of integrity, wisdom, and compassion, living out the lessons of Freemasonry in every aspect of our lives. Just as the seasons change, so too must we grow and evolve—building upon the solid foundation we have established while working together to strengthen our Lodge and extend our reach in the community. This year offers us countless opportunities to deepen our fraternal bonds, to support one another in times of need, and to continue our journey toward enlightenment. I encourage each of you to take an active role in the life of our Lodge, to bring new ideas and energy to our work, and to help us grow in both number and virtue. As we embark on this new year, let us remember that each step we take is part of a greater journey. Whether in the Lodge or in our daily lives, we have the privilege of living according to the highest moral standards and providing an example for others to follow. Together, we can make this year a year of growth, service, and brotherhood. Happy New Year, and may the light of the Great Architect of the Universe shine brightly upon each of you and your families in the year ahead. I look forward to seeing all of you in the coming months as we gather in fellowship and continue to build upon the legacy of our Lodge. Ask not what your Lodge can do for you but what you can do for
Fraternally yours, WB James Wright
Grand Lodge Mission Statement
FREEMASONRY promotes a way of life that binds like-minded men with the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth in order to serve God, Family, Country, Neighbor and Self.